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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Hindrances In The Realm Of Daily Living

There is one more area of life in which this hindering work may be found, and that is that the flow of the Spirit may be checked by inconsistencies in the daily life. 

The question which constantly faces us is whether or not we want to know the free flow from the well within. 

Do we want that springing up of living water, of which the Lord Jesus spoke? 

Do we want that, as He promised, rivers of living water shall flow out from our inner life? 

If we do, then we must always give serious consideration to anything which may serve as a blockage. 

Any disobedience, yes, any reservation in obedience, from our side will be sure to hinder the flow from God's side, acting as a deterrent to the Holy Spirit in our lives. 

We can never know the well springing up and the river flowing out if at any point where God has revealed His will, we fail in the matter of obedience.

This well is choked by disobedience to the known will of God.

It is choked and blocked by inconsistency of walk. 

The Lord wants more than mental agreement with His Word; He expects to see it working out in practical terms. 

He is concerned with how we spend our time, how we manage our financial affairs, how we behave both alone and before others. 

He watches us in the home and at our work, as well as in our fellowship activities, always looking for a walk worthy of the gospel which we believe and preach. 

Not that He desires us to have a narrow life. Far from it! 

The Spirit has come to bring enrichment and fulfilment to us. 

God's command to us, though, is that we must not quench the Spirit nor must we grieve Him...

In other words that we do not allow any rocks, stones or rubbish to accumulate as a hindrance to the springing-up well. 

We need to watch the practical expression of our daily life and so avoid a quagmire of suppression, whereas God provides for a well of water springing up into eternal life.

~T. Austin Sparks~

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