We Pray That The Seeds Of Truth Contained In This Blog Will Penetrate The Good Soil Of Your Heart And Bear Much Fruit.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


The Contemporary Moral climate does not favor a Faith as Tough and Fibrous as that taught by our Lord and His apostles.

The Delicate, Brittle saints being produced in our Religious Hothouses today are hardly to be compared with the Committed, Expendable believers who once gave their witness among men.
And the fault lies with our leaders. 
They are too Timid to tell the people All the Truth.
They are now asking men to give to God that which Costs Them Nothing.

Our churches these days are filled (or one-quarter filled) with a Soft breed of Christian that must be Fed on a diet of Harmless Fun to keep them Interested.
About theology they know little.
Scarcely any of them have read even one of the great Christian classics, but most of them are familiar with religious fiction and spinetingling films. 
No wonder their moral and spiritual constitution is so frail. 
Such can only be called weak adherents of a faith they never really understood.

When will Christians learn that to Love Righteousness it is Necessary to Hate Sin? 
That to Accept Christ it is Necessary to Reject Self? 
That to Follow the Good Way we must Flee from evil?
That a Friend of the World is an Enemy of God?...
~A. W. Tozer