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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Schemes Of Satan Overruled!

What shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honor. Esther 6:6.

THE SCHEMES OF Haman were overruled to the honor of Mordecai, to the safety of the Jewish people, and to the glory of God.

And so will the devices of evil always be turned by the Most High to the promotion of good.

God may suffer his enemies to dig pits, but they shall themselves fall therein; they shall cast stones into the air, but their missiles shall descend upon their own heads.

Satan hath a great scheme in hand for the dethroning of King Jesus, but as yet, he has only made him to be the more exalted among men.

All the stratagems and subterfuges of the enemy have been rendered subservient to the greater glory of the Mighty One, and to the fulfillment of the divine decrees.

So will it be to the end of the chapter, and we shall see, in looking back from the starry heights of heaven, how all the cruel malice and crafty subtlety of the serpent have been frustrated by infinite wisdom, and overruled by divine love.

Lucifer Shall FALL; and in his fall he shall bear witness to the glory of "the Seed of the woman" through whom he fell.

Forgetting awhile the story of Haman and Mordecai, the words at the head of this paper may, without violence, be applied to our Lord Jesus.

He alone of mortal men it is, of whom it may be said, that "the King"—Jehovah, "delighteth to honor" him.

Mordecai had done some service to the Persian state, but our Jesus has done infinitely more for us; and the Eternal King, who never slumbers nor sleeps, puts to us this question "What shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honor?"


He has honored him in every work of grace. In the decree of election, the Eternal Father chose his people, but he chose them "in Christ."

He made "the man Christ Jesus," the head of election.

Watts has well sung—"Christ be my first elect,' he said,Then chose our souls in Christ our Head."

~Charles Spurgeon~

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