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Saturday, September 14, 2013

God Will Make Our Obstacles Serve His Purposes.


I will turn all my mountains into roads. Isaiah 49:11

God will make our obstacles serve His purposes.We all have mountains in our lives, and often they are people and things that threaten to block the progress of our spiritual life. The obstacles may be untruths told about us; a difficult occupation; “a thorn in [the] flesh” (2 Cor. 12:7); or our daily cross. And often we pray for their removal,for we tend to think that if only these were removed,we would live a more tender, pure, and holy life.

How foolish you are, and how slow of heart . . . ! Luke 24:25. These are the very conditions we need for achievement, and they have been put in our lives as the means of producing the gifts and qualities for which we have been praying so long.

We pray for patience for many years, and when something begins to test us beyond our endurance, we run from it. We try to avoid it, we see it as some insurmountable obstacle to our desired goal,and we believe that if it was removed,we would experience immediate deliverance and victory. This is not true! We would simply see the temptations to be impatient end. This would not be patience.

The only way genuine patience can be acquired is by enduring the very trials that seem so unbearable today. Turn from your running and submit. Claim by faith to be a partaker in the patience of Jesus and face your trials in Him.

There is nothing in your life that distresses or concerns you that cannot become submissive to the highest purpose. Remember, they are God’s mountains. He puts them there for a reason, and we know He will never fail to keep His promise.

God understands the way to it and he alone knows where it dwells, for he views the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens (Job 28:23–24). So when we come to the foot of the mountains,we will find our way. from Christ in Isaiah,
~F. B. Meyer~

The purpose of our trials is not only to test our worthiness but also to increase it, just as the mighty oak is tested by the storms as well as strengthened by them. 

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