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Friday, February 8, 2013

Money Giving A Continual Help~~~~~~~ On The Ladder To Heaven

You know how often our Lord Jesus spake of this in His parables. In that of the unjust steward He said, “Make friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness, that they may receive you in the eternal habitations.” In the parable of the talents He said, “You ought to have put my money.” The man who had not used his talent, lost all. In the parable of the sheep and the goats, it is they who have cared for the needy and the wretched in His name, who shall hear the word -- “Come, you blessed of my Father.”

We cannot purchase heaven -- as little with money as with works. But in your money giving, heavenly-mindedness and love to Christ, and love to men, and devotion to God's work, are cultivated and proved -- the "Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom," will take count of the money truly spent on Christ and his work. Our money giving must prepare us for heaven.

Oh! how many there are who if heaven and holiness could be bought for a thousand pounds would give it. No money can buy it. But if they only knew, money can wondrously help on the path of holiness and heaven. Money given in the spirit of self-sacrifice, and love, and faith in Him who has paid all, brings a rich and eternal reward. Day by day give as God blesses and as He asks -- it will help to bring heaven nearer to you, it will help to bring you nearer to heaven.

The Christ who sat over against the treasury is my Christ. He watches my gifts. What is given in the spirit of wholehearted devotion and love He accepts. He teaches His disciples to judge as He judges. He will teach me how to give, how much, how lovingly, how truthfully.

Money -- this is what I want to learn from Him above all -- money, the cause of so much temptation and sin, and sorrow and eternal loss; money, as it is received and administered and distributed at the feet of Jesus, the Lord of the Treasury, becomes one of God's choicest channels of grace to myself and to others. In this, too, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

Who gave a farthing, and gave her all. Lord! give Your Church, in her poverty, give us all the spirit of the poor widow.

~Andrew Murray~

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