The end may sometimes come in this world.
In reference to
this, the utmost that the believer can be sure of is that they
will end in God's time.
They may last for his whole life.
The sickness which afflicts his body may be unto death.
The loss which he has sustained in his property may be irreparable,
And poverty may go down with him to the grave.
The trial which beclouds and distresses his spirits may be his lot for life.
But on the other hand, they may not!
God may be bringing him "through fire and through water to bring him out into a wealthy place."
But the Christian leaves all this in the hand of God, and endeavors to maintain a hope which shall save him from despondency...
Checked at the same time by a reverence that guards him from unwarranted presumption.
But if the end of the trial should not come in this world-it will come in the next world...
When they will not only forever cease, but leave an eternal blessing behind!
I reckon that the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us!
Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory!
Four things are set forth in these passages:
1. Our afflictions will have a termination!
This is sweet.
They are to End-they are Not To Last Forever!
The last pang, and groan, and tear are at hand-and how near, the Christian never knows!
2. Our afflictions are not to end like those of the brute creation-in the grave merely, but in Heaven!
The last pang, and groan, and tear are to usher in that blessed state of which it is so beautifully said...
The Lamb who is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters...
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes!
Heaven shall terminate all the afflictions of the righteous!
3. Heaven is so glorious, that the first view of its scenes, and the first moment of its enjoyment-shall make amends for the longest life of the most protracted and intense sufferings!
4. The sufferings of our earthly pilgrimage will enhance and increase the felicities of Heaven!
Their submissive endurance...
The graces which they call into exercise...
The sanctification which they promote...
The heavenly temper which they cultivate...
Will be the means of ripening the spirit, and making it fit for its eternal inheritance!
Every tear that is shed...
Every groan that is heaved...
Every loss that is sustained...
Every moment of suffering that is endured...
Every disappointment that is experienced...
Which is borne with patience, with resignation, with unwearied holiness...
Will not only be followed with millions of ages of indescribable intense happiness...
But will prepare the soul for its enjoyment, and add something to its weight and its luster!
~J. A. James
Their children are almost continually with them-they are seen by them in nearly all they do, in their habitual conduct, and character at home.
They are heard in what they say; seen in what they do; studied in all their behavior; by little ears, and eyes and minds,
which are scarcely ever closed!
The child's heart is soft and pliable to a father's or a mother's
Their constant influence has been molding him from the dawn of reason.
What, then, ought to be the parents' behavior at home?
The whole cultivation, and direction, and management of a child's mind, from the very dawn of reason, should be carried on with special reference to the formation of Christian character.
This should be the one thing, to which all other things should be
The silent influence in parental conduct is far
greater, either for good or for evil, than most parents are aware
They teach by what they say, they influence by what
they do; and also by what they do not say, and do not
The pious parents, who embody a meek, benevolent, ardent and
consistent godliness in their character, exert a tremendous
influence over the minds of their children!
But oh! the dreadful contrast in the case of those parents who are
characterized by ungodly dispositions, worldly associations, mirthful and extravagant living, trifling conversation, and lack of all seriousness and spirituality.
Oh! what can be expected from such parents-but children who
regard their religion with disgust?
Every man is best known at home.
Parents are ever doing something to prejudice their children in favor of true religion-or to prejudice them against it;
Doing something to draw them into the church-or to drive them into the world;
Lending a
helping hand to lead then to heaven-or taking them by the hand
and leading them to Hell.
Parents! Must you employ your influence in ruining the souls of
your children-and sending them to perdition?
Oh! tremble at the interview you must have with them at the day of judgment, and the dialog you must hold with them forever in the bottomless pit!!
~J. A. James
And that afflictive dispensations are the appointed means for promoting that end...
The divine Word abundantly testifies: "He chastens us for our profit, to make us partakers of His holiness."
May we not, then, truly say, "Happy is the man whom God corrects."
Blessed is the man whom You chasten, and teach
out of Your law.
1. By afflictions we
gain much knowledge of ourselves...
When corrupt nature is vexed, it shows its real self.
As in tempestuous weather, the chinks and openings in the roofs of our houses are most sensibly perceived...
So in sharp afflictions we learn our own defects,
weaknesses and sins.
2. Afflictions tend to wean us from the world...
When in uninterrupted health and prosperity, we are apt to be too much pleased with our present condition...
And to lose sight of the crown of glory and the everlasting mansions above...
The loud alarm of affliction rouses us from the enchanting delusion!
The violence
of a tempest impels the mariner to long the more earnestly for the
haven of rest.
3. Afflictions serve to quicken our affections
to the Lord Jesus Christ...
While in ease and tranquility, a spirit of lethargy too often pervades the mind in regard to Christ and the blessings of His salvation.
But, when the tides of distress
and sorrow come rolling in upon us, we are willing, we are glad to
seek rest in Him who is our only hope and Savior in times of
On all these, and many other accounts, I hope I can say, It is
good for me that I have been afflicted.
Yes, thanks to my
heavenly Father for the sharpest pains I have felt!
In truly sanctified afflictions we have a
striking solution of Samson's riddle.
How often, and how remarkably is it explained and fulfilled in the experience of the saints in times of distress!
Out of the eater, came something to eat.
Out of the strong, came something sweet."
Judges 14:14
How blessed is it that He who is infinitely wise and inconceivably
kind, should choose our inheritance for us!
And how does it befit
us to acquiesce entirely in His appointment!
Good when He gives, supremely good, Nor less when He denies...
Afflictions from His sovereign hand Are blessings in disguise!
The Lord has just removed my dearly loved boy, perhaps to teach me
that He has a sovereign right and supreme claim to my heart.
even so Lord Jesus!
Take my poor heart, and let it be Forever closed to all but Thee...
O seal my heart, and let me wear That pledge of love forever there.
~John Fawcett
Then take another scene in the life of Elijah, namely, his last journey in company with Elisha, the record of which we have in 2 Kings 2.
Elijah said to Elisha, "Tarry here, I pray thee; for the Lord hath sent me as far as Bethel."
Elisha refused to remain and they went to Bethel.
Again Elijah said, "Elisha, tarry here, I pray thee; for the Lord hath sent me to Jericho."
Elisha again refused to be dismissed and they two went to Jericho.
Then the same acts are repeated in the last step.
Now in all that you have a further mark of Elijah's abandonment to the Lord's interests.
He comes before us in the terms of a servant of the Lord under orders: "the Lord hath sent me", "the Lord hath sent me", "the Lord hath sent me."
He is moving on steadily by a progressive, spiritual advance.
He is moving on by his abandonment to the Lord's will, the Lord's command, the Lord's orders as to a servant.
The point is that as a result of his obedience and perfect response of heart to every repeated, consecutive, progressive command of the Lord he eventually reached heavenly fulness...
"The Lord hath sent me" Well, he will take that part of the journey.
The Lord has said nothing beyond that, but He has made it clear that for the present so-and-so is His will.
When that is accomplished the Lord says again, Now the next step is so-and-so.
Nothing is given beyond that, but when that step is taken then the Lord is able to reveal the next step, and once revealed, in the obedience of a true servant, it is immediately followed.
Each step leads to something else.
Each step of obedience makes fuller revelation and deeper meaning possible.
Each response to the Lord leads into a greater fullness of the Lord.
Thus, in that way of instant obedience to the will of the Lord as it is revealed bit by bit, step by step, course by course, Elijah at last reaches the point where he is caught up by a whirlwind into heaven, he reaches heavenly fullness.
Do you want to know the way to heavenly fullness?
That is the way.
It is abandonment to the Lord in unquestioning obedience, the Lord having His place.
If the Lord says He wants a thing, then He has a right to what He wants...
His rights are bound up with my giving Him that.
If the Lord wants me here or there, wants me to do this or that, then the Lord has some interest in that...
The Lord is going to secure something by it.
It is not a question as to whether it is convenient for me to go to Jericho, or Bethel, or Gilgal today...
Or how it serves my interests...
But solely of the Lord's pleasure.
If the Lord has something invested in that, the only consideration for me is that the Lord should have my obedience to get what He is after.
That is jealousy for the Lord...
And how that leads to ever growing fullness, to the heavenly fulness at last!
The Lord does not ask us to take the whole course in one bound.
He graduates His requirements: today so much, tomorrow so much.
But as He makes known His will we must remember that He is not doing it, in the first instance, for our good, but for His Own ends...
To get His Own rights, and our good is always bound up with the Lord coming into His place.
You may take any spiritual crisis in your life and, if you analyze it, you will prove that to be the principle.
When you have come to a place with the Lord, where a crisis has been reached...
And in that situation have pleaded with the Lord to do something...
Asked the Lord, prayed to the Lord for something which would be for your good...
Am not I right in saying that you have not found the Lord answering in the way you expected.
His power has been restrained until you have come to the point where you have said, Nevertheless, not my will but Thine.
If this cannot be for Thy glory, I am content, do not grant it; Thy glory is to govern this hour.
It is in that way that you have got a clear path through with the Lord.
But that principle is wrought into us.
It is not a pretense, it has to be a very real working law, by which all self interest is brought to death and the Lord becomes the sole object of our desire.
Then we get a clear way through.
Is that not true?
How often we have been held up on that very thing.
We have been praying with our own interests and ends in view, and the Lord has not come in on that ground at all.
He has waited until we have changed the position and come on to His ground.
So you see that Elijah right through his life embodies this principle of jealousy for the Lord's interests.
~T. Austin Sparks
Humiliation is the very character of the Christian life, and we must appreciate every opportunity of walking in humility.
Hence when reproaches, unkind treatment, poverty, loneliness, persecution, mental distresses, seeming failure in our work, disappointments, deep perplexities, or any disagreeable thing comes to us, we are to calmly face these things, as appropriate occasions for self-denial.
We see the omnipotence of God rule over us in our circumstances.
We can thereby in these humiliations more clearly manifest the character of Christ and walk in the will of God.
Another effectual principle for self-denial is to be exceedingly careful not to receive human honors or praise into our hearts.
If we are worthy of having enemies, who will seek opportunities of humiliating us, we will also have some friends who will love and honor us.
As a rule, the more bitter our enemies are, the stronger our friends will love us, and there will be times when we will be honored in spite of ourselves.
But if we open our hearts to receive this honor and in our thoughts feed upon it as a social honey...or if we allow human praise to inflate our thoughts, it will instantly breed a human self-esteem, and this becomes a hot-bed of the self-righteous pride.
It requires great humiliation and divine reconciliation for evangelists, preachers, teachers, and singers, and writers, not to stumble and fall at this point.
In everything we are to seek nothing for our own selfish purposes, and seek rather the will of God in everything we think and do.
This is to become a daily habit of our motives and intentions...
To distrust our fleshly impulses...
To look to the Scriptures for the most minute guidance in all things.
2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Mark 8:34 And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
It is only when we are daily crucified to the carnal nature that we can bear our daily cross in the true spirit of our Master.
It is by the denial or death of sinful selfishness that we enter the state of perfect obedience in which the daily trials and crosses can be borne in deep fellowship with Jesus.
The very order of the words our Saviour uses, indicates principles for our daily experience....
Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
Here we have:
First, an attitude of crucifixion of the carnal nature, the mortification of the flesh...
Then the enlightened soul bearing its daily sufferings and hindrances by faith...
Which brings it into a better sustained fellowship with Christ.
It is this daily cross which assists in our practical sanctification, according to our love of obedience for the glory of God.
~G. D. Watson
This statement occurs in the Word of God accompanied, as you notice, by a shadow on more than one occasion. "Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any one of you an evil heart of unbelief, in turning away from the living God".
Take heed! It is a word of warning.
Now notice the connection.
If you look at the third chapter of the letter to the Hebrews you will see that the point in view was that full purpose of God which He had fixed for His people.
The illustration was taken from the life of Israel in the wilderness in view of the land.
God's purpose for Israel was their coming to the land, with all its fullness, all its riches and its wealth, and its blessing...
But through unbelief they fell short of the land and died in the wilderness.
You see the designation "the living God" is used in that connection, which surely means, if it means anything at all, that the very fact that He is the living God signifies that His purpose and desire for His own is all that He can give - fullness!
That is what is bound up with a living God.
These other gods are always taking away, always robbing, always impoverishing.
The gods of the heathen, the gods of the world are robber gods, they would rob you of everything.
This living God is supremely characterized by His giving, and ever giving.
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son...
He who delivered him up for us all, shall he not also with him freely give us all things.
The mark of the living God is beneficence, fullness of thought, and desire, and Purpose, and will for His own, to bring them in.
To fall away from the living God means to fall away from all that He has purposed, designed and desired for us, and hence the word of warning.
But let us note this.
The Word does not say, Take heed, brethren, lest you fall away from the blessing, lest you miss the good.
The words used are "turning away from the living God".
All our blessing is bound up with Himself. He is our blessing.
In other words, to know Him as the living God is life eternal.
This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou didst send.
To know Him as the living God is fullness of blessing.
So the warning is lest we, through unbelief, turn away from the living God.
It is the question as to God that arises in the heart, the question, the doubt as to God, that robs us.
Then the blessing is gone, because in doubting God we rear a fence between Him and ourselves.
Ah, but there is a still more solemn word in this connection. "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God".
That is the second passage with a shadow upon it.
Now let us be solemn and quite frank.
You and I have not to deal with men in the final issue.
We have not to reckon with people, with teaching, as such, with places, with any thing...
If you or I refuse truth, refuse light, withhold obedience, hide something from the Lord; if you and I are in any way unfaithful, it is with the living God that we have to do.
It was a startling thing to Achan when his hidden, secret sin was tracked right down in that amazing way.
Look at the hundreds of thousands in Israel, and one man among the hundreds of thousands does something which God had to uncover.
That man sees an inquiry set up, and watches it being narrowed down from the multitude to the tribe, from the tribe to one of the families in the tribe, until his own personal tent is reached, and he, one man in hundreds of thousands, comes under the finger of God.
Achan perhaps thought that he could default in the midst of so big a crowd and it would not be noticed, that he could deceive the elders of Israel and not be discovered.
Achan had forgotten that it was the living God with whom he had to do.
Such a thing becomes an occasion for that solemn warning, that we should be reminded that "it is an awful thing to fall into the hands of the living God".
You and I, if we are honest, need never fall into the hands of the living God in that way...
But the point is that anything and everything that is secret in our lives, which represents sin, disobedience, refusal of light, anything that is not of God, brings us into the hands of the living God...
It is with Him that we have to do sooner or later.
Oh no, you have not even to reckon in the first or last place with those who are in authority over you in the Lord.
The most blessed relief comes to such to recognize this, and it is a relief to us all to know it, that the responsibility in the final issue is with God, and that every one has to reckon with God.
It is a terrible and yet a helpful thing, a thing which is a strength to us even when we give the Lord's message, to know that people have not to answer to us.
They may take an attitude over that message toward the one who gives it, and say, Oh, that is only so-and-so's interpretation, it is only what he says!
Well, you do not get away with it like that.
If that should happen to be the truth of God, it is not with the preacher that you have to reckon, it is with the living God.
That brings a terrible responsibility upon us all.
Let us remember that for all that the Lord gives us, it is to a living God that we have to answer.
Oh, the Lord is looking right into our hearts, and He knows.
It is impossible for us to deceive Him.
It cannot be done.
He knows our inward hearts.
He knows our home and what is going on there.
He knows us in our business life.
He knows us in our relationships with one another, just what we are and what is make believe.
Sooner or later we are going to come up against the Lord on every point of hypocrisy, deception, sin.
Now it entirely depends upon our attitude toward the Lord whether the fact that He with whom we have to do, is a living God, is one which brings us comfort, or whether it strikes terror into our hearts.
This word must be said.
The Lord knows who it is for.
You and I are dealing with the living God.
That is a blessed fact, but it is also an awful fact.
So let us always remember that there is nothing secret, nothing hidden, nothing that we can cover from Him.
We cannot take a false position.
There is a living God on the spot all the time, who sees right through it all...
And presently He will say: Now, let us have that mask off...
Let us have that attempt at self-deception put aside...
Let us face this thing out. I know all about it!
I have known about it all along; you have never been able to cover it from Me for a moment!
He is the living God.
That word "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" is a terrible word for those who fight God...
And I think it is especially meant for such as oppose themselves to God.
Think of what is going on in this world today.
I have been reading a book called "The War Against God".
The whole history of long centuries of war against God is given, and it shows how that is developing today to such a tremendous extent that whole nations are making it their one object to throw God out of the world, to get rid of God, to have nothing of God in their national life.
Well, that is one side of this thing, but we can say it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God; not an imaginary God, not a traditional God, not the God of the religious systems, however hoary their history, but the living God.
The fact is going to come back upon such. He holds the nations in His hand.
It might be that there is someone resisting God, fighting God, rebelling against God, who imagines - though perhaps it has never been put into words, into clear thinking - that he can get the better of God.
Oh no, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God"; and that is where we are all to come sooner or later.
Can you rejoice that you are in the hands of the living God?
There is no need to be afraid of that.
It may be the most blessed thing that ever can be enjoyed, to be in the hands of the living God.
On the other hand, it may be the most terrible thing, a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
For the unbelieving and the unfaithful it is neither a welcome thing nor a blessed thing to know that the God with whom we have to do, and who has to do with us, is a living God.
~T. Austin Sparks
Mark 10:22 And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.
Our Lord Jesus looked after the rich young ruler as he walked away, but He did not follow him or attempt to coerce him.
The dignity of the young man's humanity forbade that his choices should be made for him by another.
To remain a man he must make his own moral choices; and Christ knew this and permitted him to go his own chosen way.
If his human choice took him at last to hell, at least he went there a man..
And it is better for the moral universe that he should do so than that he should be jockeyed to a heaven he did not choose, a soulless, will-less automation.
God will take nine steps toward us, but He will not take the tenth.
He will incline us to repent, but He cannot do our repenting for us.
It is of the essence of repentance that it can only be done by the one who committed the act to be repented of.
God can wait on the sinning man...
He can withhold judgment...
He can exercise long-suffering to the point where He appears "lax" in His judicial administration...
But He cannot force a man to repent.
To do this would be to violate the man's freedom and void the gift God originally bestowed upon him.
Where there is no freedom of choice there can be neither sin nor righteousness, because it is of the nature of both that they be voluntary.
However good an act may be, it is not good if it is imposed from without.
The act of imposition destroys the moral content of the act and renders it null and void.
~A. W. Tozer
Moving, isn't it...
Jesus loved the young man who sadly went away.
That rich young ruler made his choice as we make ours.
Others cannot choose for us or repent for us.
We are personally responsible for our choices.
O God, so important are the choices before me.
You have given me personal responsibility of choice.
Thank You for the revelation of Your will to guide me and the presence of Your Spirit to enable me!
She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining Silver.
As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up.
He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.
The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: "He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver."
She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined.
The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire.
If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.
The woman was silent for a moment.
Then she asked the silversmith, "How do you know when the silver is fully refined?"
He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy -- when I see my image in it."
If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you.
QUOTE - "Life is a coin. You can spend it anyway you wish, but you can only spend it once."
~Author Unknown